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SWANCOM Consulting Inc.
6285 Stonefield Park, Niagara Falls, Ontario
 Canada L2J 4K1
Tel: (905) 357 2089       eMail



~ History~


SWAN.COM Consulting Inc. was founded in February 1997  to  provide services for the converging Video, Voice and Data  markets. End users and service providers had in the past completed service delivery with hardware integration solutions with limited success but quantifiable cost savings. 

The name SWAN.COM  is derived from Satellite and Wide Area COMmunications, however, after incorporation it was discovered  that the domain had already been spoken for and was for sale at an outlandish price.  To date the name sits languishing unattached as we have moved on as SWANCOM Consulting Inc.

In the first six months, 3 very diverse and interesting projects were undertaken:

Sprint Canada

Project managed a new Trans-Canada packet network service implementation.

X.25 was alive and well and it was recommended that any location that required this service should be collapsed onto an existing Frame Relay backbone.

Canadian Satellite Communications (Cancom) 

Sales, marketing and technical support provided for new reliable content broadcast service, Flashcast.

Supplier and service partner relationships established in Western Europe and North America for satellite delivery.

African Virtual University (AVU) 

Provided technical support through Phase 1 "proof of concept'  stage for a satellite delivered distance education network into sub-Saharan Africa.  Swancom was engaged by The World Bank to support their project team.

Support for integrated Internet  and video distance education services with course content sourced from N. American and European  educational institutes.





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